Thursday, February 12, 2009

Jock DIet

So what exactly are you allowed on your cardiac diet? Can you eat beans? I love beans. If no beans I would be very sad.


  1. No awesome beans, no sweet ass pasta or bread, no beautiful cokes or gatorade and limited beer intake, no potatoes in any form, no nuts, no rice.

    Of course sometimes I cheat, which is OK every once in awhile, just like in school. Like that time Scott and Markulus kicked open my laundry room door and dragged out a keg and we lit stuff on fire and ate sausage and cheese and mayo and made Kirk throw up all three things all over his bathroom. Those things are OK except for the fact that two of us drank probably five gallons of beer each over the course of two and a half days.

    Acceptable foods: sausage, cheese, mayo. All cows, fish, seafood, pigs, etc. Chicken is OK too if you're fine with your food tasting like nothing. Green veggies, oils, hard liquor all OK too. I drink lots of water and eat vitamins too.
