(I hate when people take pictures of themselves with tape over their mouths. Who thinks that shit is clever? No one. Get better creative directors)
This is the show that was acceptable to watch only in the first season due to it's novelty. It is now gearing up for season NINE. Why the hell is anyone still watching this garbage? It's the same boring shit over and over and over. A bunch of jerks get up and sing horrible renditions of pop songs to a bunch of other jerks who vote them off every couple of days. Teeeerible. Even when they happen to select decent songs to perform they arrange them in the cheesiest way possible so that Las Vegas lounge singers would even be embarassed to be associated with them.
Also, very irritating is the way after every song is sung they will flash up the number to call to vote for the jerk who just sang (877-344-4007) and the wannabe inevitable holds up seven fingers and mouths SEEEEEVVVEEEEEEN to the camera. Really guys? Every damn time? Can't none of you just stand there like a human while they go to commercial? Sick.
One last point. You will be hard pressed to get through an episode of American Idol without some dumbass trying to sing Sugar Pie Honey Bunch. Now American Idol is performed in front of a live audience. Sugar Pie Honey Bunch does not have an ending. The recorded version just fades out. One of the main parts of putting on a good show is having a big finish, which you CAN NOT do if the song you are singing HAS NO ENDING. So what do they do? They just kinda stop when they run out of time and it ends horribly and I feel bad about the human race and wish for an asteroid. But apparently I am the only one cause they keep up with that shit every damn season and I guarantee you will hear at least 10 times in the upcoming season 9.
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