Wednesday, May 27, 2009

New Band Memer

Got a new dude in the band. It is the sweet pedal steel player in this video. It is not the horrible cheesy singer dude.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Poison Ivy

We has three and a half trees knocked down by Hurricane Gustav, and we got an additional three trees removed afterward. The tree guys take all the wood and grind the stumps as part of the deal. But what they do not do is dispose of the stump shavings, leaving it up to me.

So I bought a pitchfork and tossed that shit into the back of my truck. It took me nine loads to dispose of it all. If you're wondering why I didn't use it for mulch, it's because it's too acidic right after it's been cut. So where I dumped it apparently had poison ivy, or as the doctor calls it, dermatological disorder, and I got it really bad.

I haven't had poison ivy since 2000, when I missed a week of work. I had some bumps here and there, but I just figured my immunity was building, which allegedly happens. But this time I got it on my eyes, which swelled to the point where I could hardly see. I remembered rubbing my eyes, which means the the poison ivy was probably not in my yard, but rather where I dumped the shit at the undisclosed location. I suffered badly for three days before I got a steroid shot, after which I not only dominated in volleyball, but didn't sleep for two days. But the rash went away. Thanks for performance enhancing drugs. Would a baseball player get suspended if he got a poison ivy shot?

In Other News

I started a country music meet up group in New York City. Martin thinks I am a horrible idiot and person but 11 people have said they will come to my next gig on the 26th of June. We'll see who is right.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009


I saw a big ass hawk the other day in central park. it chilled for a while then swooped down and ate a squirrel. How can squirrels take to live with the possibility of that hanging over they heads?

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Old Joke

When Martin and I started working at Don's Seafood and Steakhouse they were very adamant about keeping up the image and professionalism of the establishment and wait staff. Before they would allow any waiter on the floor they made you watch this video tape. Not only that you had to sign and date a document saying that you had watched the tape and fully understood what it was about and everything it had said and agreed to act in accordance with it.

The video tape?


Rich's Links of the Day

Galifinakus is wierd.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009


Anyone have any cool dreams lately? I love kick ass dreams. Sooooo weird sometimes and yet you are tricked that they are real. I had a horrible nightmare this week that Mark got his left leg pulled off by the engine of a pleasure boat. I had to squeeze his floppy arteries to keep him from bleeding to death. Why the hell would I do that do myself? What makes me wanna think up that and scare myself with it?

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Swine Flu

To me there's only one question: How can we get rich off this shit?