Monday, June 21, 2010

Staying Young

You know how when you are a kid you will watch the same goofy thing over and over and over? Well I have watched THIS VIDEO at least 200 times.

AND THIS. My favorite (besides the kick ass song) is how one dude's only job in the band is just to jump around and overhead clap.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

World Cup

World class soccer dudes are amazing. Except for one thing. Why the hell do the shoot over the top of the goal so damn much? A shot over the top is the same as no shot at all. And low shots are harder for the keeper to handle. Look at the USAs win today. The only thing that weak shot had going for it was that it was low and the goalie was too lazy to get down and play it right. If it had been in the air he woulda easily caught it.

I think the reason the elites shoot high is cause it looks so much cooler when it goes in. But c'mon man. Just try to win. Right?

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Dont Be Sore

I have gotten horribly bored of jogging. So I have started playing soccer in the park. I was so sore I could hardly walk after 2 days and had to take a few days off. Today I felt better so found a pick up game.

So sore I can hardly walk.