Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Things That Everyone Loves That Actually Suck

I am starting a list. Things that everyone loves that actually suck. I am sometimes amazed at how many people can absolutely be fanatic about somethings that at are so horrible and stupid. If you have an addition just let me know and I will consider adding it. There will be a full list later but just to get it started:


Are you kidding me? What are you a bunch of children? Batman is what everyone likes still? Please. BOOOOOOOORING. Same plot for every damn movie. Batman runs around trying to look super cool and serious. Bad guys try to cause havoc whilst dressed like dumbass clowns. Stupid chase scene ensues involving fancy transport device that would break and kill you if you ever tried to use it in real life. Bad guys get thwarted in boring fashion. Idiots are amused and may even applaud during credits which is retarded cause Batman can't hear you through a movie screen.


  1. Here's my list, just off the top of my head:

    1) The Rolling Stones
    2) Movies
    3) Using chopsticks (why is there no sweet tongs utensil available for sushi? why is the least efficient plate-to-mouth delivery system the one we chose? and why do people love it so much?)
    4) The NBA

  2. I actually don't mind Chopsticks. Rolling Stones don't really suck they just aren't nearly as kick ass as everyone likes to pretend. Movies do mostly suck but some are fucking sweet. NBA flat out sucks.

  3. I agree with Rich about Chopsticks. It's fucking sweet when his brother Manfred breaks it out near the end of Blinded By The Light. Springsteen wrote that song you know.
