Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Sets on the Beach

I've been playing organized volleyball for a few years now, working my way up from sand virgin through the ranks. This spring I finally started playing in "A" Leauge with the big boys, and it's challenging but I'm competitive. I made a big jump from last spring and I'm proud of my progress.

However, tomorrow I leave for Destin for five days to play in the big Fudpucker's tournament. This will be the metric to see how good I really am, as people come from all over to play in this largest amateur sand volleyball tournament in the nation. But of course, even if I play badly I'll be on the beach for five days and there are parties every night and pickup ball every day. I hope to have pictures.


  1. I do however have a picture of the Volley Trolley, our transportation there and back.


  2. I play indoor during the winters to keep my skills sharp, and always hate every second of it. You can't drink beer, the girls wear too many clothes, and it really makes you think you're better than you are. When you get back on the sand after jumping off wood for three months you remember how hard this sport really is.

    I think Nilk hates sand because he hates bare feet.

  3. Remember how bad you were the first time you played wallyball? every hit went straight from your hand to the ceiling to the floor at 90mph.

  4. Oh how I would love to play y'all again.

  5. I do hate bare feet, but in this instance, mainly because it hurts the shit out of my own bare feet. The sand presses on the underside of the middle of my toes or something and it feels like I have horrible tendonitis in every toe. Also, sand just sucks in general.

    I keep telling Jock there's no chance he would be that much better than us at wallyball now, but who knows. I have a suspicion that I am 80% worse. I base this on a seeming general deterioration in all my sporting skills in the past few years, presumably due to lack of practice. I played in a basketball league a few years back and it was as if I was entirely uncoordinated. Very frustrating.

  6. Practice lack definetely crushes you. Martin and I were a regular stinkorama when we first started volley ball. Now we ok again. Team kinda stinks tho.

  7. I'd put $1,000 on a single game of me and Scott/Martin vs. Nilk and Scott/Martin, barring any game-throwing for a percentage of the winnings. I'd also put more money on a skins-type bet for the entire match.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. i dunno, dude, nilk and i are a crippling team, provided i dont get sleepy during the game, which happens on occasion.

  10. Jock, how much do you figure your wallyball game would rely on spikes? I suppose I can see you as having gotten better at that. Having said that, I don't think there's many partners I wouldn't take with myself as the favorites against any other team.

  11. I figure about 60 percent. My passing is the most vastly improved aspect of my game. As far as setting, I think I'd probably kill myself out of frustration because on the sand virtually everybody bump sets. The overhand sets are almost always illegal, so I've gotten good enough at bump setting to dominate there too.

    When can we set this up? Because Nilk and I both think we're too good to lose, and there's only one way to solve it.

  12. What is a bump set? What kind of stupid shit is illegal in volleyball? Do you have any of those stupid rules about the ball can only revolve one half revolution on a set?

    We play wallyball with anything that isn't a catch or an open-palm, underhanded strike. Also, we disregard the center line as long as you don't actually physically interfere with someone on the other side.

    Also, I don't think you would lose if you're on my team.

  13. That's interesting that you would say that because Scooter and I were just having a conversation about you like to call the "paintbrush" and such against people. And bump sets are the regular underhand sets. And yes, if you overhand set there can't be a full revolution of the ball. But that's sand rules. Set your ass off overhand in Wallyball and I'll still crush you. And if we're on the same team I'd bet my paycheck on winning.

  14. betting against me and tully would not be smart.

  15. I think Scooter is the only person to ever successfully execute the "cobra".

  16. Does anyone think these guys in the national finals look any better than we were in our heyday?


    Looks to me like their serves are a lot worse.
