Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Good Deed Not Averted

Well maybe I ain't entirely evil after all. I took the wrong train home last night and wound up in the middle of Harlem. To get to my stop I woulda had to go all the way back downtown, switch trains and then come back up to my stop. It woulda taken forever so I decided to leg it. Upon exiting the station I was immediated accosted by a bum asking for some shit. As I avoided eye contact and tried to speed by him I noticed that he wasn't actually a hobo but a man whom God had forsaken in a wheel chair and he was asking for help down the stairs. Of course I can't not help some legitamate wheelchair guy down the stairs. You'd have to be some kinda devil not to help.

So there I am trying to lower his heavy ass down over 20 stairs. He out wieghed me by about 50 lbs so it was much harder than I anticipated. Also, he kept leaning forward and grabbing his brakes asking if I needed him to put them on. Whenever he did this he made it unbearably heavy and I could feel the rubber handles slipping. I could see him going head over nubs all the way down in my mind. I kinda sternly told him to cut it out but he kept doing it and I was not gonna make it all the way like that.

Then came the bad guy. I saw him coming up. Huge black hooligan. Do rag and gold. If it were a movie he would be the killer. Exactly what I didn't need. He said "damn dog" and ran up and grabbed the bottom of the chair. Sweet relief. We made it down easily. The wheelchair dude tried to give us money but of course we said no. We did the fist bump and went our seperate ways. Then I ran through scary harlem for 10 blocks to my side of town.

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