Martin and I played much better this time. I didn't put everything away like I should but I didn't have any horrible errors or hit anything into the net or out. Martin only had a couple of goofy hits but as a whole did well. We had one stretch where he and I were both on the front line and we had 6 spikes in a row for points. Then the other team got wise and hit it to the back row and ended our streak. I think overall we did better as a team but the team we were playing was much better than the previous week's. Also they only had one girl.
I thought for a little while they had two. They had this one tall, blond, German looking character of dubious gender running around that I immediately dubbed "Helga" and Martin later dubbed "Pre-Op Jimmy". After the games at Brother Jimmy's we somehow got into a faked role playing bit where Martin had to call his dad and tell him he got beat by a tranny. It went something like this here:

Martin: Hello? Dad?
Dad: Mawtin, great to hear from you boy. How you been?
Martin: Pretty good. I just got back from my volleyball match.
Dad: Oh? How did that go for ya?
Martin: Not so great, we got pounded pretty bad. They had this one shemale thing that was spiking all over the place.
Dad: ....You got beaten a transexual?
Martin: Well, that just one of the team members, there were others playing well too.
Dad: ...Wa...Was it pre-op....or post-op?
Martin: Well...pre-op we think...but we didn't do a whole medical exam thing it ...coulda
Dad: (DailTooooooooooooooooooooooooooooone).
How much less fun than wallyball is it?