Mark texted me that an Airliner had crashed in the Hudson river around 47th street this afternoon. I was on 47th street so I ran outside to see what was going on. Also, whenever there is some kinda trauma in New York City I immediately worry about Islams so I wanted to get a running start if there was some kinda Allah Akbar thing going down. Quite a few people were thinking the same thing and running in no direction and there were emergency vehicles flying west down 47th. Me and the dude I was trying to sell a stone to legged it down to the bank. Along the way we learned that it was not islams but instead some radical, fudamentalist geese that had suicide attacked the engines and brought the plane down. Geeselams he called em. The plane was floating in the river surrounded by ferry boats and drifting south fairly quickly. It was hard to see anything cause all the people and boats in the way. They said survivors where standing on the wings but I couldn't see em. We got bored and went back inside out of the terrible freezing cold we are having today.
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