Friday, January 16, 2009

Second Thoughts

I am feeling bad about the hobo again. What got me thinking is it is soooo fuuuuucking cold out there. I couldn't stand out on the corner for 5 minutes without shivering uncontrolably. It's 15 freaking degrees out there. Anyway I got to thinking if I was standing around in horrible, hateful cold like that maybe I would get a little desperate and pushy too.

(frozen to death hobo)

Not that he was a good guy or anything. I still think there is a good chance he was a step away from being a mugger but I guess I should have given him the benefit of the doubt. I aint complete ass though. I didn't give a full beat down or nothing. Just a wall bouncing and a little how do you do in the ribs. He ran away fine.

Anyway, I think I should have just cowed him down, cause he obviously didn't want any as he was backing away, and just called him a pussy and left. I hope he doesn't come back with a blade or friends. Do bums have friends?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. i made up some alliterative headlines for you you can use next time you do this:

    hateful homeboy humiliates homeless hobo

    tully terrorizes, thrashes tramp

    bully bashes belligerent bum

    vigilante vanquishes violent vagrant

    diminutive dork demolishes drifter
