Well I have sobered up and am thinking clearly now. I had kinda felt bad about the whole thing last night but today as I go over the whole thing lucidly in my head I am sure that I did just right. That son of a bitch got what he had coming.
I didn't really do a good job last night of conveying exactly how aggressive this punk was. I think if I was a woman there is a very good chance I would be a mugged woman right now. Right off the bat he was invading my space and getting up in my face. "Lemme get a dollar man". If you coulda heard his tone, he was NOT asking. Very threatening and intimidating and he walked with me and grabbed my right elbow. He held it so firm that my first modest attempt to jerk free did not work and I had to really make a full effort to wrench free on the second try.
This put jolt of fear through me as it was very weird and unprecedented. Then he starts with the insults. As I start off across the street I really get the chance to size him up and do the mental arithmetic in my head and come up with the answer: Not Scary. The jolt of fear having nowhere to go now turns to fury so I run back over and dash him against the wall.
I also did a pretty poor job of bragging about how good of a shove I got on him. It was tremendous. He was backing up and I was coming up from the street to the curb so I got him nice and low and was really able to get both legs into it and just sent him tumbling. I wish I had it on film cause I bet at some point he was entirely off the ground. Anyway, I kinda jogged home to get the hell outta there cause I wasn't so drunk that I wasn't concerned that some cops might see me bumrushing, no pun intended (did you notice that sweet pun?) dudes and haul me into the big house. Even though I was right I don't wanna risk anything with cops and somehow getting into a whole shank or be shanked situation.
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