Let's face it, can't no one turn out a bar room like me. I got invited to play a preliminary at some dive downtown Wednesday to see if I was good enough for a full slot. Me and Miss Betsy arrived at this underground dungeon called Jimmy's at around 9 and met this dude who said we could play one quick song. 12 songs and 4 free beers later we got ourselves a date Thursday Feb 12
th at about 9:30. It is a tiny little place so it is only gonna be a duet and no full band but any
Classaholics are welcome to come anyhow.
(Must be The Boom Shaka Laka Laka Boom Shaka Laka Laka Boom Shaka Laka Laka Laka Laka Blues cause no Betsy)I am gonna kick my own ass and make myself finish "The Prettiest Girl in the Bar" which I have been
lallygagging on for months now. Also "Hard Drinking Woman" is another tragic incomplete that needs to be remedied.
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