Monday, March 2, 2009

New Poll

Jock hates Tabasco. He is stupid.

I don't mind Louisiana Hot Sauce but prefer Tabasco slightly. I am smart.

Who is right?


  1. I am. The only problem with Louisiana Hot Sauce is the baldfaced lie printed right there on the label -- "One Drop Does It."

    You see I'm a hot sauce dude. I have many different sauces for different foods. For example, I like a different hot sauce on eggs than I do on shrimp poboys. But for versatility you can't beat Louisiana. Tabasco tastes pure vinegar with a layer of hot for hot's sake.

  2. Depends on what "it" is. Or maybe the mean one "drop" of the bottle on hard concrete does it.

    Louisiana Hot Sauce lacks the delicious vinegar taste required for intelligent dining and leaves you with the horrible sensation of missing, delightful hot mouth pain.

    Another terrible attribute of LHS is that it goes bad. How the fuck does hot sauce go bad?
