Thursday night I was walking home from the country gig. I should play more gigs btw cuz I fucking kill em. Anyway, at about 110th st as I get close to Columbia this drunk college couple is hanging out in front of a bar. By drunk I mean hammered and they are having a kinda of argument. I overhear the dude (who was humongous) saying that he likes to flirt with all the girls in all the bars but it doesn't mean anything cause he never fools around with them.
So as I am walking past, the chick (who was fantastically hot) says "well how about this then" and she turns to me and raises her shirt, under which there is no brassier, and shows me a perfectly shaped boobie. Not the set, just a single.
So now the dude is mad. But he's not mad at her. Nooooo. He's mad at me. Like I did anything. So he yells at me "oh yeah, I bet you like that huh? You like that?" Of course I loved it. Who wouldn't? But that doesn't mean he should be mad at me. He should be mad at her slutty ass. He is only falling for her tricks cause this is exactly the reaction she wanted from him.
I didn't have time to say all that though and he was so drunk I doubt I could have gotten him to understand my dead-on point so instead I just stammer "I'm just walking by man".
"Yeah?" he says "well KEEP walking."
Then I hear the girl holler at me "yeah, keep walking!"
Ridiculous. She was the one showing boobie to start the whole trouble. Not me. When I was a block away they were already making out hard core.