Wednesday, May 27, 2009

New Band Memer

Got a new dude in the band. It is the sweet pedal steel player in this video. It is not the horrible cheesy singer dude.


  1. You got the steel guy? Man, that is some sweet shit. My uncle in Shreveport is crazy steel guy. He builds them and hosts a monthly club and tons of guys from all over the Arklatex come to play. Sometimes they have 20 set up at one time.

    Well-placed and well-done steel solos = the greatest thing in the world.

    Here's an awesome youtube I love of Joan Osborne doing an awesome Kris Kristofferson song at the Opry. The steel player fucking wails. Try not to cry.

    search youtube for: joan osborne opry story ends

  2. This is great news.

    Also, I can vouch for Nick. I played that cold, sweet steel.

  3. How does one decide to make himself into a pedal steel guitarist?
