Friday, February 13, 2009

Sometimes Spam Makes No Sense

I got this email today:

Dear Richard,

Your petition, Stop Global Hamster Imprisonment, is set to close in two weeks. If you want to continue collecting signatures past that date, please edit your petition to change the closing date.

What the hell kinda scam is this?


  1. Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. That is awesome. I like these ones that I get that must consist of a computer attempting to write prose. Some examples:

    Well, we must be moving, you know, and his voice country, and that we ought to go after them, and of those articles actually contain anything useful. Of the collar and cuff factory came to her. When you had. Only you and your husband
    know that you.


    Daughters had been born to most of the gibbs, here and there and scenery of moderate beauty, took a flask out of his pocket, unscrewed it and collect my thoughts for a few moments together. Previously commented on, is supported by three.

    And awhile back, Chapman, Jock and I were greatly amused by the ones that consisted of made up names with a middle initial:

    Governess D. Tomboy
    Electricians J. Retroactively
    Turnovers M. Casing
    Polish K. Blackjacked
    Shenandoah O. Interrogate
    Burrowed A. Valises

  2. What is the point of these emails? Who is helped by them?

  3. I'm definitely helped with humor, but that seems unlikely to be their goal.
