Wednesday, January 20, 2010

More Union

I also hate how the union thugs act in general. Every email I get they are addressing each other as "brother" and "sister".

"Thank you Brother Joshua for the great point about local 802. Sister Alison will be happy to educate you on anything you are unsure of".

Dadburn creepy.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Union Mentality

Some dude I know is in some musician's union. He is trying to do something or other all the time and is a big pain in the ass. So the other day I get this email from him.

Please do not debate whether a musician playing in a club is an employee or an independent contractor with anyone. Please don't seek recognition for yourself through an organizing drive. Keep quiet. Be discreet. Don't become a loose cannon. Don't develop a case of diarrhea of the mouth. Hushhhhhhhhhhhh!

Thank you.

What the fuck? Some fuck head wants to tell me what I I can or can't talk about? I sent him this reply.

I'll talk about whatever I want, whenever I want.

You're welcome